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Cocoa Barometer 2020

Rampant farmer poverty, extensive deforestation, human and labour rights violations including child labour, an over-dependency on pesticides; the challenges facing the cocoa sector remain as large as they have ever been. Two decades of interventions and increasing dialogue have not tackled the challenges at the necessary scale, and have failed to solve the root problem of cocoa farmer poverty. These voluntary and top-down efforts have not been able to address underlying problems such as structurally low cocoa prices, weak rural infrastructure, a lack of transparency and accountability, and sometimes corrupt and inefficient government interventions and policies.

Version Espanol | Version Francais

Year of publication: 2020
Article number: 2020-29
Number of pages: 116

Authors: Friedel Hütz-Adams and others



All contributions of the author can be found here: 

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Friedel Hütz-Adams

T +49 (0)228-763 698-15

