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An inventory of existing mechanisms to comply with aid commitments by member states

This study assesses the commitments made by EU Member States to achieve the 0.7% Official Development Assistance (ODA) / GNI target by 2015. The paper analyses the mechanisms that countries have established and their effectiveness to reach ODA targets.

To ensure that the 2015 0.7% target can still be met, renewed political will and the introduction of multi-annual action plans are needed at the national level. The EU has no mandate to introduce binding mechanisms at EU level since budgeting falls within the competence of Member States. To meet the 0.7% target by 2015, the EU, and in particular the European Parliament, should continue to urge Member States to stick to their commitments. Considering the need to speed up their allocations, innovative financing instruments will play a key role for Member States to meet their ODA pledges. At the same time, the study argues that ODA definition criteria should not be broadened further to include specific climate-change related funding or military expenditure as part of ODA.

Article number:  2010-18
Year of publication: 2010
Number of pages: 32 pages
Authors: Dr. Pedro Morazán et al. 
